“Der Umgang mit SARS-CoV-2 erfordert besonderes Augenmaß und das Angleichen eigener wirtschaftlicher Interessen an einen durch die Pandemie bestimmten, veränderten Handlungsrahmen. Chris Moylan, Gunter Birnbaum, Ayke Bröcker und Mika C. Nixdorf äußern sich über Erfahrungs- und Erlebniswerte sowie grundsätzliche Empfehlungen in Bezug auf Covid-19 und Live Events.“

Das komplette Statement von Chris Moylan, der im September den neuen ŠKODA ENYAQ bei der Premiere in Prag inszeniert hat:
“The Škoda Enyaq was premiered to the public on the 1st of September in Prague. It was like many other car shows presentations – large stage, huge media wall, massive lightshow experience, impressive driving choreography, some well-rehearsed speeches, and lots of photos. Except this one was different – it was one of the only events with live guests to occur in the past 6 months, since the Coronavirus Pandemic effectively killed the live entertainment production sector.
Planning and development for this show presentation actually started months before anyone knew what a Coronavirus was. In fact, I had already submitted a complete lighting design and had several calls discussing equipment and architecture for a location which, in the end, we did not use.
At first the show presentation was just delayed, then delayed again, then came the news that it would be moving to Prague, as there it was possible to actually have a an show event with guests. Which meant a completely new design and show creative concept. Of course, by that time, redesigning the show scenery was a welcome task – after all it we were making a live event, something we all live for.
To be onsite and working again after a many month break was intoxicating. I believe you don’t know how much you miss something until you experience it again, and the feeling of seeing a design come to life, of feeling that light energy respond to music, was as magical as the first time. And after months of streaming events, speeches with no guests, and greenscreen backgrounds, having a live show performance unfold in front of us showed just what a difference that makes – the presentation level is just exponentially higher when guests and press are watching.
Of course, everything was safe. The set-up phase was extremely professionally carried out. All the rules and regulations you could expect were there – Masks required, minimum distancing, tables pushed apart, seating well-spaced out, disinfection sprays everywhere. Even in the front of house we had 2 meters between each other and large plexi-glass dividers. A nice touch was the mask color-coding. Black for crew, Green for Škoda internal, and White for guests. All branded.
After the first day, it was normality. And no one complained, everyone was giving their absolute best, aware that they were very lucky to be working a live event again. The entire show crew was subject to a mandatory Corona test a few days before the show event. This was performed by trained medical professionals in an ambulance out back. Everyone passed and no one complained.
With important guests in the crowd like the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, it was extremely important that everything go well. Even the final picture of the event, with all the heads of Škoda onstage together, minimum distancing was maintained.
This show performance was a perfect example of how something like this can go right. With proper planning, events can continue even in this pandemic period. And perhaps there are only 300 guests instead of 1000 – the experience remain the same, the excitement and magic of a real live show event remain the same, and – perhaps for the customer the most important – the press photos and experience remain the same.“
Live events must continue, and that can begin now.
© Buckminster NEUE ZEIT, Chris Moylan
Fotos im Header Chris Moylan (Optikalusion), ŠKODA ENYAQ Premiere (Prag)
You may wonder why the word „show“ has been crossed out and replaced so often. The reason is that „show“ is very close to „entertainment“, which both walk on the surface, but not in meaningful depth. With the out-stylization of this wording we want to create an awareness for the use of language and encourage you to think about a different, reflected wording (which takes more energy and thought, but shapes us much more positively).