Herrschaftszeiten, wir sind ins Schleudern geraten. Corona hat zugeschlagen. Organisation, Bettruhe und Erholung waren die Tagesordnung. Unser Head Of Advisory Torsten meldet sich aus dem Virenexil und fasst seinen Coronaverlauf in einer für ihn typischen Art zusammen. In die Familie von MC.N kam die Britische Corona Mutante zu Besuch, eine Wasserstandsmeldung. Autisten sind auf dem Vormarsch. Alles andere steht im Abspann. Tschüss.

Elon Musk hat sich kürzlich geoutet und sein autistisches Persönlichkeitsmerkmal einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Torsten Scheuermann ist bekennender Elon Musk Fan und hat ein Auge auf den schrägen Vogel mit der Rakete. In Verbundenheit greift Torsten zur elektronischen Schreibfeder und verfasst diesen Brief:
[My open Letter in regards to Elon Musk] „Er hatte SNL moderiert und jede Menge Kritik in der Community geerntet.
JFYI ;-)“

Elon Musk is primarily innovating the way we, as humans, produce and consume energy and how we move around on this planet and within our universe. In addition, he tries to save us from going extinct by destroying our planet or becoming victim of future AI Inventions.
Becoming the richest person on the planet doesn’t happen by accident or having been lucky. Our society tends to never give a person the credit for his or her accomplishments but instead tries to reduce the reason for success as having been in the right place at the right time. Well, let me tell you that this is Bullshit.
We are dealing here with the most complex form of a persona, which makes our human race so special, unique, and superior, at least on planet earth. Having his outing on SNL about the Aspergers disease was a very brave move and it added another mind-blowing element understanding this already complex genius. For me he is the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei and Marco Polo, all in one person, and as a 2.0 Version.
Is he perfect? Of course not. He just doesn’t declare defeat after failure, like most of us. He has this intrinsic conviction, that he will succeed if he works smarter, longer, and harder than 99,9 % of us, and he is willing to sacrifice a lot for creating innovation for all of us. Innovating means going places where nobody has been before; regarding vision, math, engineering, financing, process, and execution and therefore this always bares a high risk of failure. He is also immune to his critics and notorious naysayers, who want to convince him to accept the status quo. But this is exactly what he doesn’t do, and why he started your journey, to make the world a better place.
So, Elon is undeniable a complex genius, and he is funny. What else do you need or what don’t you understand? Maybe you just don’t know enough about his entrepreneurial accomplishments and you should check out more about: @paypal @tesla @solarcity @spacex @theboringcompany @openai @neuralink … and this just being the tip of the iceberg.
Like him or not, but please pay respect for his tireless attempt to move humanity forward and secure the future survival of mankind. Sorry but now you know what he does and why he takes some topics more serious than others, for example just being your @Dogefather moving @Dogecoin.
So instead of criticizing, be grateful we have a true Dreamer, Visionary, and Innovator living in our lifetime, who gets things done; differently.
Peace and Love to all of you T!

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| @torstens